sometimes when we get into the workflow it is as if the work itself gains moments pushing us forward. this is exactly the dynamic workflow we are looking for, only a system with a positive feedback loop can motivate us in our learning or working process as we get the experience of becoming better at what we do. this also gives a chance to see your work accumulate in a specific topic or area

It’s important to express your understanding in words and only by doing that do we get the chance to realize our lack of understanding so we can get better at it the better we become the easier and quicker we can make notes which again increases the number of our learning experience.

the zettelkasten is not just a collection of notes, working with it is less about retrieving specific notes and more about being pointed to relevant facts and generating new ideas and insights. the more content it contains the more connection it can provide and the easier it becomes to add new entries in a smart way and receive a useful suggestions