in order to develop a good question to write about one must already have read quite a bit and certainly not just about one topic. and even the decision to read one resource and not the other is also rooted in prior understanding.

as every intellectual endeavor starts from an existing preconception

this preconception can be transformed during further inquiries which will also serve as another starting point

we can not be guided by a made-up plan picked for our unreliable brains but instead by our interests and curiosity which are formed and informed by the actual work that we have done of reading, thinking, discussing, and developing ideas and that is something that continuously grows and reflect our knowledge and understanding externally.

by tracking our interests and our intellectuals, development, topics, questions and arguments will develop and emerge from the material without force.

no wonder if note-taking is ignored you will find a recommendation to “always start by brainstorming” Of course if you haven’t written along the way the brain is indeed the only the only place to turn to. on its own, it’s not objective because our thoughts are usually diluted by our personal experience nor reliable as we tend to forget fast.