outbox pattern vs Two-Phase commit to solving dual write problem

you can use both to solve the dual write problem but there are some cases where one if them is better than the other.

Outbox Pattern:

  • Better Suitability: The outbox pattern is generally more suitable for solving the dual write problem due to its simplicity and non-blocking nature.
  • Robustness: It avoids the complexity and potential issues associated with 2PC, such as blocking and the single point of failure.
  • Scalability: More scalable as it does not involve synchronous coordination between multiple systems.

Two-Phase Commit:

  • Use Case: 2PC might be appropriate in scenarios where strong consistency and immediate coordination across systems are critical, and the performance overhead can be justified.
  • Example: Financial transactions where immediate consistency is paramount might be a case where 2PC is considered despite its drawbacks.