The factory pattern is a creational pattern that provides a template that can be used to create objects. It is used in complex situations where the type of object required varies and needs to be specified in each case. It does not use the new keyword directly to instantiate objects. This means it does not explicitly require the use of a constructor to create objects. Instead, it provides a generic interface that delegates the object creation responsibility to the corresponding subclass. In plain words: the factory simply generates an instance for the client without exposing any instantiation logic to the client As the name “factory” implies, we can use this pattern when we want to create different objects that have similar characteristics
when to use
- When the type of objects required cannot be anticipated beforehand
- When multiple objects that share similar characteristics need to be created
- When you want to generalize the object instantiation process since the object set-up is complex in nature
code example
abstract class Creator {
* Note that the Creator may also provide some default implementation of the
* factory method.
public abstract factoryMethod(): Product;
* Also note that, despite its name, the Creator's primary responsibility is
* not creating products. Usually, it contains some core business logic that
* relies on Product objects, returned by the factory method. Subclasses can
* indirectly change that business logic by overriding the factory method
* and returning a different type of product from it.
public someOperation(): string {
// Call the factory method to create a Product object.
const product = this.factoryMethod();
// Now, use the product.
return `Creator: The same creator's code has just worked with ${product.operation()}`;
* Concrete Creators override the factory method in order to change the
* resulting product's type.
class ConcreteCreator1 extends Creator {
* Note that the signature of the method still uses the abstract product
* type, even though the concrete product is actually returned from the
* method. This way the Creator can stay independent of concrete product
* classes.
public factoryMethod(): Product {
return new ConcreteProduct1();
class ConcreteCreator2 extends Creator {
public factoryMethod(): Product {
return new ConcreteProduct2();
* The Product interface declares the operations that all concrete products must
* implement.
interface Product {
operation(): string;
* Concrete Products provide various implementations of the Product interface.
class ConcreteProduct1 implements Product {
public operation(): string {
return '{Result of the ConcreteProduct1}';
class ConcreteProduct2 implements Product {
public operation(): string {
return '{Result of the ConcreteProduct2}';
* The client code works with an instance of a concrete creator, albeit through
* its base interface. As long as the client keeps working with the creator via
* the base interface, you can pass it any creator's subclass.
function clientCode(creator: Creator) {
// ...
console.log('Client: I\'m not aware of the creator\'s class, but it still works.');
// ...
* The Application picks a creator's type depending on the configuration or
* environment.
console.log('App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator1.');
clientCode(new ConcreteCreator1());
console.log('App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator2.');
clientCode(new ConcreteCreator2());