you have thoughts; you write them down. for most people, this is where the process ends only, with a zettelkasten, you are asked to make a fundamental cognitive shift knowing that the note you just took has yet to realise its potential, and your workflow should look like this

  • you have a thought.
  • you write it down.
  • you know that you will need to transform this note into something else if it’s to become useful

How to stage your fleeting notes with an inbox

the fleeting note becomes a permanent note, but before this transition can occur, you will need to stage your fleeting notes in an inbox until they can be processed.

setting up an inbox is as easy as putting default folders for all the new notes to be created in until you move them permanently the their new location an inbox will give you a place to store notes on the go so that you can come back to them later, but also, an inbox is much more than a writing room for your ideas that are not concrete yet; an inbox is a reminder that the notes stored in the main zettelkasten are special, containing connection and context and directions where similar ideas are in your zettelkasten

what makes a fleeting note a permanent one