comparing notes helps us to detect contradiction paradoxes or oppositions, when we. realise that we used to accept two contracitng ideas as equally true we know that we have a problem and problems are good because now we have something to solve.

oppositions help to shape our ideas by providing contrast Albert Rothenberg suggests that the consideration of opposition is the most reliable way of generating new ideas.

comparing notes can also be used as an ongoing examination of the old notes in a new light as the addition of a new note can lead to a correction complementation or an improvement of an old ideas. sometimes we discover that the interpretation of a study conflicts with another making us realise that our study is so vague that it can be used as proof of two contradicting interpretations.

sometimes we discover unrelated studies gives us the proof to the same point which is not correction in this case adding new note and being forced to compare them not only imporove your own work but also discover weakness in the text that we read.