- What is PKM
- building a seconded brain
- Niklas Luhmann
- Rapid Logging
- Writing To Learn
- On Writing Well
- folgezettel
Quotes how important it is to get started making notes regardless of the system that you have.
”It’s easy to get sucked into the process of creating elaborate systems for your note-taking to a degree where it becomes counterproductive, systems themselves aren’t a bad idea the trouble comes when the system becomes the focus at the expense of the idea it’s intended to organize. ” -John Voorhees, MacStories
”You are not going to design your perfect PKM system before starting because you need to understand your system in practice, and practice only comes through the execution and use of the system. You are probably going to get your first few attempts wrong” -Nick Seitz, photographer and filmmaker
”A question to be answered, an ambiguity to be resolved, set up an end and holds the current of ideas to a definite channel. Every suggested conclusion is tested by its reference to this regulating end by its pertinence to the problem in hand” John dewey, How we Think. on the important of questions to control your thoughts