what are permanent notes these notes, which will never be thrown away and contain the necessary information in a permanently understandable way. They are always stored in the same way in the same place either as literature notes in the reference system or written as if for print in the zettelkasten

Why make permanent notes To integrate what you capture into your knowledge system, you must transform it into something that connects to your existing thoughts and ideas—whether by confirming, expanding, or even challenging it. These links create relationships that weave your ideas into a cohesive knowledge network, this transformation is only done when you make the permanent notes.

in its basic form, a permanent note should have

  • single idea
  • link(s) to other notes stored in your zettelkasten
  • a title if it’s required to create one.

but it also can hold additional information that makes it useful

  • a reference to where the idea comes from.
  • a record pointing towards where this idea is used in your zettelkasten
  • a unique ID or folgezettel